Sorry you had to be greeted with a pair of thick legs, haha. I had to take a picture because I completed the very popular two weeks shred challenge by Chloe Ting that was all the rage in the internet. I took more than two weeks because I could only commit to working out 3 times per week, max 4. Actually, I could have chosen not to do since I had been sleeping soundly earlier for like 2 hours I think, so after half an hour of being awake, of course I would sooooo darn lazy to workout. But thinking about the good food I had earlier during lunch time, and then this being the last day of the programme, I have no excuse not to do. So that brings me to, why we do what we do. By having the right intentions. Starting something with the hope of completing it to the best of our abilities. I am sure there are many times we asked ourselves why are we doing this, when we get overwhelmed, or get demotivated. For instance, in my handmade order, there are multiple steps to do, and the...