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Showing posts from August, 2020

Right & Wrong Intentions

Sorry you had to be greeted with a pair of thick legs, haha. I had to take a picture because I completed the very popular two weeks shred challenge by Chloe Ting that was all the rage in the internet. I took more than two weeks because I could only commit to working out 3 times per week, max 4. Actually, I could have chosen not to do since I had been sleeping soundly earlier for like 2 hours I think, so after half an hour of being awake, of course I would sooooo darn lazy to workout. But thinking about the good food I had earlier during lunch time, and then this being the last day of the programme, I have no excuse not to do.  So that brings me to, why we do what we do. By having the right intentions. Starting something with the hope of completing it to the best of our abilities.  I am sure there are many times we asked ourselves why are we doing this, when we get overwhelmed, or get demotivated.  For instance, in my handmade order, there are multiple steps to do, and the...

Reminiscing the Past & Social Media Detox

I did some cleaning recently and I cleared out some old stuffs but for some, I couldn't bear to do so. I know it takes up some space but considering they were in clear plastic file holders, they were still in pretty good condition. And also, these were done pre internet and social media days. I kinda stopped but few years ago, I started to keep photo albums instead. I don't really take many photos because I just needed a few to print for memory keeping. Usually significant events like birthdays, gatherings, and outings like the one you see above. I know it's just me standing like a statue but see the facade of the City Hall behind me? It is bathed in red and white light in commemoration of our National Day celebrated last week. So these have sentimental values that perhaps years down the road, I will look at them and reminisce about how I spent my past time. And then, I kinda felt upset about myself too like how much I used to learn a lot from thick Q & A Children's...

National Day Celebrations 2020 in Singapore brought closer to the People

Our  long weekend was just over and this morning, my work from home starts again. I was on the verge of falling asleep, lol..and then decided to write out this blogpost about our NDP.  We celebrated National Day in Singapore last Sunday and it was a different experience as you know, we are still in the midst of pandemic. So no large gatherings, and even if there were, such as the march out contingencies, where uniformed groups would gather in the open field at City Hall to commemorate National Day celebrations, most of them donned masks which is now part of our everyday OOTDs.  I think there were only an invited guests of 120 people, a very small figure compared to past events, besides the Members of Parliament and key leaders. Attendance at the Marina Bay floating platform, to be part of the NDP celebrations, would be subjected to balloting results and usually I would be unsuccessful, lol.  Despite having no big celebrations this year around, the NDP was brought to ...

Welcoming August & Getting Older

Mask up We have entered August and next month is my birthday. One more year and I would be 40. Everyone's life journey is different at this stage. I follow an instagrammer who is also an influencer, has 5 children, with the eldest being Sec 1 and the youngest who just turned 1. I have friends whose children are entering primary school next year. Then I have another friend who is awaiting the arrival of her baby in December. In short, you can't really compare your life to theirs because everyone's life journey is different. But one thing for sure, everyone too is getting older. It felt like just few years back you were together in school, loathing PE lessons especially the 2.4 km run (maybe just me) organising chalet outings, skipping lessons..heh..having crushes, and now you need to work to pay the bills, save enough for a new car, to move into a new or resale house and support the family.  While I'm not married and the old times perceptions used to be that well, if you...