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Showing posts from March, 2020

Living in a Coronavirus Stricken World

Photo by  Markus Spiske  from  Pexels Hi all, It's disheartening that at this moment, we are in a very challenging period and we're barely even finished with the first quarter of 2020. At first we felt that we would be in control of the situation and there were just a few countries affected, mainly the ASEAN countries, and China being the epicentre, and then it started to become a worldwide situation. Now the Covid-19 outbreak has been declared by WHO as a pandemic as death tolls increase in a matter of short time, affecting faraway countries from China such as US and Europe. Previously governments who had taken the matter lightly thinking that their countries are safe since China is so far, when the virus travelled across the world through social contacts and imported cases, they know this is a very serious matter and drastic measures had to be in place that the citizens have to comply. Travel borders have to be closed and only allowing own citizens to come back b...

Learning Through Podcasts

I have been listening to podcasts recently because I feel that it’s less distracting when I am doing work and I am  pressed for time. I can focus more as there is nothing visual in front of me as distraction. So my eyes will be on the work I am doing. At the same time, I get to learn things and hear about other people’s life experiences where you typically don’t get to hear due to the sensitivity of the issues at hand such as divorce and cheating. Although I can’t relate but it doesn’t mean that I don’t get to learn from them. I learnt from how they deal with it when life threw them a curveball just when you thought all things were fine and dandy. It is not an easy feat and it can already be a few years since it happened but the pain is forever. Yes it can be buried deep inside ourselves as we slowly pick ourselves up slowly and though it can never be like before, the happiness that we once felt, it doesn’t mean that our life will come to a standstill. So these people are s...

Blossoming Relationship

I am currently obsessed with this independent Japanese movie based on a Manga comic which I watched on youtube. I just loved the storyline and how it played out throughout the movie and I liked every character including the minor ones. The literal translation of the movie name is Does The Flower Bloom. It started the movie with a tall young guy who was sitting down painting away in a typical Japanese room setting. Then it panned out to another younger guy who came into the room telling the young man that food was ready.  In Japan culture, they address special salutations or by their surname. The younger one tried to make a guess of what he was drawing but he barely spoke except to say that he would be coming soon. At the same time, there was a group of people outside the house taking photos and one of them came in to look for the owner of the big house, without knowing that the young man was actually the owner. But of course, he looked like some student who could not hav...