Recently, I felt a tad disappointed but after writing down my feelings and expressing it out to someone, I felt a little better like I am willing to let it go. But my perception doesn't change. Sometimes I feel a little torn. I've read about other people who embark on their spiritual journey day in day out until one day, they started to question themselves what's the whole point of all this? They still feel disappointed. Feel unworthy. So on and so forth.
But at the end of this journey called life, it's not just about you. We have been blessed with the kindness of people, and most of the time, they asked for no return of their kindheartedness. The onus is therefore on us to pay it forward to other people. At the lowest point of our lives, when we feel that the things that we do seem to be pointless, from one disappointment to another, from one bad news to another, it's easy to feel like what's the whole point of life, really.
But life is never meant to be easy. At times we may feel dejected as though we are mere stepping stones for other people to ease them out of their difficult period. For example, when at work, they rely on you for assistance at the first instant without even trying themselves first because they know you won't turn down their help. Then you start thinking about why were you taught to be kind to people always but then you don't feel appreciated.
So I kinda get why there are people who feel a certain way when they've done so much and then over what? To be disappointed? To be angered?
But you know what, it all comes down to why you are doing all this. If you're religious, you treat it as though you are pleasing God. Otherwise, it's just basic human gesture. Not asking to be repaid back. If the universe treasure your kindness, who knows when it's your time of need, you will get an abundance of love and kindness as well from other people, and even strangers. So never stop being kind.
As for those who gave you false hope that they keep their promise and eventually don't, either coz they forget or they think it's insignificant to you, don't worry. Just continue to wish them the best and continue the practice of being kind.
To share a short story, there was a man who lived back then in the past, who had been helping his close friend for his daily necessities, only to have him spoke ill of his daughter in regards to her impending marriage. He stopped coz he was disappointed.
However, he then learned he should not stop giving charity to those who needed it in every circumstance. He should instead forgive them for their faults hoping for their heart to be guided in the right way. Therefore, he repented and changed his attitude because his friend, despite his uncalled for remarks, was having difficulties.