Hey me back with a new layout...and yes, once again..it's not done by me. Although..I have done tweaks here and there...colour change, html coding..yadah yadah, I would still credit the person who did this layout, which I tot was well done! I hate those act 'cute' sort..then, anyone who isn't myopic (short-sighted), runs the risk of acquiring one because the fonts are so freakin' tiny squeezed into a freakin' tiny space. Okaylah..if I can 'squeeze' in some time to do my own version of a layout..(With some foundation coding..in another words, 'someone' doing e dirty werk first, keke..), I will try lah! THis is just to claRify that I am not lapping on the praises meant for someone else...like how people actually praiSed the previous all black simplistic layout coz the person who did it, left the credits but they didn't appear. I knew why lah as I saw the error..but ah..too lazy to change it, haha. Coz it IS supposed to be simplistic in the first place, aight? So..I focused on being simply being..er..simplistic. Unless of coz if you look at the contests twds the end of last month, I had a load of time talking rubbish after rubbish. But of coz, they are intelligent rubbish, mind you..hehe
ANYWAY, my focal point of this is to say, yup, I am going to change the way I am doing the blog, irregardless of people actually reading or not reading at all. I took down the viewership coz it's driving me nuts..seeing the number NOT moving most times. And yup, I am no longeR boring! I mean..okay, at least not in the virtual woRld. In real life, as usual lah..but I guess we'll just stick to the usual game, eh?
TheRefore, I am now..a DIVA!! Ok, it was e main reason why I chose this layout, which by the way, won the layout of the week, or something like that..hehe..I onlie go to the website if I need something. But don't u think, it's nice too? It's pleasant looking, and don't look cartoonish, which seems to be a fad among the teenage web designers. I mean girls and boys..I know u're talented and has a flair in I.T. especially in the area of web designing at such a young age, but Please..maybe can try to work on being creative in a less annoying way? hehe..like not all people like uhm..japanese anime or comic characters, cute or otherwise.
Diva Radar means I am a diva with a radar! It can be both ways...basically, as a diva, I am on the lookout for handsome chinese guys!..haha, stupid obssession with a chinese guys with a certain look (Which I ain't revealing what is, of coz to avoid copycat divas! *selfish me*) eversince some recent encounters. But really, they ARE good looking, at least the ones that I currently like the look.
And of coz, diva radar means that i'm not just popular...okay........I may need to woRk on the other attributes of being a diva as right now, I am totally clueless.
STill, whateva it is..my diva radar is always 'on'..*Ahem*..
Hey me back with a new layout...and yes, once again..it's not done by me. Although..I have done tweaks here and there...colour change, html coding..yadah yadah, I would still credit the person who did this layout, which I tot was well done! I hate those act 'cute' sort..then, anyone who isn't myopic (short-sighted), runs the risk of acquiring one because the fonts are so freakin' tiny squeezed into a freakin' tiny space. Okaylah..if I can 'squeeze' in some time to do my own version of a layout..(With some foundation coding..in another words, 'someone' doing e dirty werk first, keke..), I will try lah! THis is just to claRify that I am not lapping on the praises meant for someone else...like how people actually praiSed the previous all black simplistic layout coz the person who did it, left the credits but they didn't appear. I knew why lah as I saw the error..but ah..too lazy to change it, haha. Coz it IS supposed to be simplistic in the first place, aight? So..I focused on being simply being..er..simplistic. Unless of coz if you look at the contests twds the end of last month, I had a load of time talking rubbish after rubbish. But of coz, they are intelligent rubbish, mind you..hehe
ANYWAY, my focal point of this is to say, yup, I am going to change the way I am doing the blog, irregardless of people actually reading or not reading at all. I took down the viewership coz it's driving me nuts..seeing the number NOT moving most times. And yup, I am no longeR boring! I mean..okay, at least not in the virtual woRld. In real life, as usual lah..but I guess we'll just stick to the usual game, eh?
TheRefore, I am now..a DIVA!! Ok, it was e main reason why I chose this layout, which by the way, won the layout of the week, or something like that..hehe..I onlie go to the website if I need something. But don't u think, it's nice too? It's pleasant looking, and don't look cartoonish, which seems to be a fad among the teenage web designers. I mean girls and boys..I know u're talented and has a flair in I.T. especially in the area of web designing at such a young age, but Please..maybe can try to work on being creative in a less annoying way? hehe..like not all people like uhm..japanese anime or comic characters, cute or otherwise.
Diva Radar means I am a diva with a radar! It can be both ways...basically, as a diva, I am on the lookout for handsome chinese guys!..haha, stupid obssession with a chinese guys with a certain look (Which I ain't revealing what is, of coz to avoid copycat divas! *selfish me*) eversince some recent encounters. But really, they ARE good looking, at least the ones that I currently like the look.
And of coz, diva radar means that i'm not just popular...okay........I may need to woRk on the other attributes of being a diva as right now, I am totally clueless.
STill, whateva it is..my diva radar is always 'on'..*Ahem*..