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Things you should know about me!

Inspired! Yes..this is so totally get rid of the 'bored' stigma associated with my blog for writing really really really long entries. what am i supposed to do about that...? my brain works well sometimes...and other times it just shut itself off...which is often i tell ya.

K! here goes nothing!

7 things that scare me:

1. definitely 'cicaks' or lizards or tree lizards or anything to do with the lizard family! no offence to the yuckiest living breathing thing that just scurry off with me scurrying off as well in the opposite direction whenever there is even the slightest contact.

And's not just that so-called definitely smaller than my palm lizards (which is still heart attack inducing!) but those big ones too like the monitor lizards or chameleons. Once, there was this trip to the Jurong Reptile Park a few years ago with a bunch of kids that we gathered during the Children's Society event. I was following from behind the line with the kids and some other students around the same age as me. We entered this gate and I was where are we going?..And then there it was. Some keeper holding some chameleon. I . Freaked. Out. I wanted to scream but still egoistic enough to not ruin my reputation..I walked the other way round and wat took me like just seconds was like eternity for merely walking that few steps and out of the gate and then to the small pavilion where I stuck myself for the next half an hour. It didn't help either seeing my other classmates then taking turns for picture taking with that freaky chameleon.

And what tot to be the end of my torture..was further enhanced by this long and yet equally freaking ALBINO SNAKES!!!!!!! What the hell? I never knew I had such strong fears towards snakes. And with the two volunteers walking around the enclosed area with the snakes...I could faint right there except yet ego told me not to do anything foolish infront of the handsome ang moh volunteer. I shrieked when my classmate..the one who was more soft spoken and more demure than me.. took pictures with that long thingey. ARGH!!

2. someone finding out that I am so unreligious.'s something I hold deep inside that onlie my family knows but I am so damn unreligious. I am totally clueless about it. Reallly.

3. having a boyfriend...bwahahha..! I can't fathom the idea of someone liking me....loving me...calling me every five minutes.....making love declarations to me through songs and yadah!!!! Okay you're thinking now that I am more freaky that chameleon right?

4. losing any of my family members. now my mum keep talking about what if my father dies...and then this house is free...we get a lot of money....I think it's totally crappy and heartless of her. I don't really communicate much with my father..not even in my younger days..coz he is so quiet with me..but I know he is proud of me in less than obvious ways. Saying such things about my father whether from outsiders who think he looks so old or even my mum is hurtful. Damn hurtful.

5. people saying about how fat I am or asking me about my weight. Weight is a personal issue. I prefer it that way..thank u very much! I still can accept people calling me fat though...but asking about my weight? No!

6. that said...I hate weighing machines..wahahhaa...

7. dying in my sleep and waking up to see my cold and lifeless body and not having the chance to say goodbye to my family. It's like yanking my soul away without my knowledge or out of nowhere.

7 things that I like most...

1. myself lah! i am popular. DO i NEED to say moRe?

2. having a long chat with my good friend from work who is like this mother cum friend cum big sister to me! You wouldn't believe how incredibly long our conversation can take thru' the fon especially if the next day, she's not working. It's like..err...toilet break? forget it!

3. horatio caine of CSI:Miami aka David Caruso. I am so blissfully in lurve with this guy! I don't care how bloody lame his speaking lines are and how u can count on your fingers the number of emotions he portrays on the show! He's incredibly charming yet mysterious yet alluring to me! It's like...hey you can say what you want to me..spit at me...hurl abuses at me. If I say i'll get you...I WILL get you. Swoons! Say that to me..SAY THAT TO ME!

4. my family. although they do drive me up the wall...causing me headaches at times over their repetitive lectures and my brother's sheer stubborness and constant taunt at me..I can't imagine living without them around me. I'll probably end up as one of those people pining and crying for their family if, by any means..have to live independently outside of Singapore whether for work or studies. The sheer tot of it...and u know how friends can onlie do so much for u...

5. i like to dream. dream dream dream since I was very young...i like to fantasise about things and I even have an alter ego in my dream machine..which is totally unreal yet totally babelicious..bwahahaha..! And I have these mini movies in my head that I will replay and replay..and can still remember few years down the road. Wah, if i need to know how much fashion has changed in the last few years..i just need to refer to these mini movies!

6. I like to be my own little world and in my own little room. That's why u often can find me at home at most times..and not out the open being in the company of others. Honestly I don't feel comfortable in a large group.

7. To know that I am not that stupid as I think I am at times...especially when after reading my tots in my previous journal or current blog..I think that heck..u have a bit of intellectual in u gal! hahaa...

7 important things in my room

1. The Sims! And now..The Sims 2! My heydays with the Sims has come to a temporary halt thanks to this new love of mine. Heck..come to think of it..even my own life has come to a temporary stop point. Wanna see my entire Sims collections? hee......

2. My computer! I love my computer and I treasure it because it is my first personal computer. Goodness knows how i survived without this useful thing back in the school days. I just love a computer with the perfect keyboard too! For me...they keyboard is wat makes or breaks a computer.'s just me..Still, on her own, my computer hasn't given me any major technical problems for the last three years except earlier this year. But hey, even computers need a in this case..a change of hard drive. And that was the onlie problem I have even up till now.

3. My printers. All 3 of them! And they all serve different purposes and two of them i got it free while the other one i got it at a special price. And yes...they have not given me problems either despite their longevity.

4. My stationeries. I have this weakness for stationeries..which also include glitter pens, colouring materials coloured papers...whateva! They are a collection spun over the years...and when you just take a glance around my room for these items...heck..what u see is just a smattering of them. Clue: drawers and those spacy plastic toolboxes. Oh, and the top of my cupboard...

5. My makeup collections! I like makeup though I am seen barely with them but if I need to work, at the very least I'll slap on mascara draw my eyebrows..(they're seriously invisible)...eyeline my eyes sometimes..and thats it! Am not such a big foundation and any closely related products. I don't like to clog my pores..hehe...

6. My hidden barbie collections. I recently found the other 3 barbies that has suddenly gone missing and now I just got a fourth one from my mum in my recent birthday. It's sitting on my table now though..The rest? inside some pink box with unfortunate pictures of pigs..hahahaha...

7. embarassing collection of hello kitty dolls obviously stashed away from my eyes..coz in the first place..I don't know why I even bothered about them. Like the bubble head pair of kitty dolls (u know the ones to mark the millenium 2000)..I bought them for a mere 5 bucks from some person..and still in the plastic wrapping. I came home..took it out once to see my prized gain...put it in some corner and thats it. It has been in that corner for almost a year. Unbudged. Amazing isn't it?

7 random facts about me..

1. I hate being short sighted..i really really do. I feel so handicapped. Coming from the time where I used to have perfect vision..right till my current state of short sightedness..I really hate the fact if I don't wear specs..i'll have this blurry vision. Though it's not so bad that I can't even see who is standing infront of the very least..I can see who but the facial features are blurry for me. I hate being almost blind! Argh!

2. I fear commitment! If u think that onlie guys have such fear...and girls fantasize about the perfect beach wedding...I'd rather not be tied down. That's how i view boyfriends. If I can't break up with them..i'll end up thinking..damn it! I have to get engaged..get married...have children...endure his relatives..his parents...i can't do it!

3. I have a phobia of sleeping in beds. Especially the wooden beds. And it's one of the reasons why I don't have a bed. Nothing is more comforting to me than sleeping on a pretty flat mattress on the floor. Coz I had this humongous bad luck with wooden beds (and my last count was...3..yes three of 'em) whose wooden platforms or planks fell and crack under my pressure. If you want to tell me i'm overweight or something beds, can you do it without inflicting injury on me? Eurgh..and you beds are non living things. In any case, you want to have a sleepover, no problem. My sofa is convertible to a bed...but I have not used it as a bed before..haha

4. I am probably one of those people of my age who still have trouble facing up to people. It's something that I can't hide or improve upon. If I really like the company of the person, see me talking at rocket speed....but if I'm really shy and quiet...I'm REALLY shy and quiet. And obviously people think of me as stuck up naturally until they really get to know me. Then again, I am good at putting up a false front helps me to win half the battle especially in my line where I have to face different people for work.

5. Often labelled as weak....too nice...too soft spoken. I dunno...I see it as a balanced chemistry. There are just too many people who are too outspoken often at the wrong time and worse, I see bad behaviours like everywhere and people nowadays, the more educated they are, you'll think they can tell between good and bad manners. But that is rarely the case. They will never say they're at fault or feel totally guilty about it..and I guess people like me some sort like balance this kind of people...hahaa....well, I have to find a reason for my err...'too nice' state!

6. I have this conscience in my head that talks to me...or talks to an imaginary person..or at least used to..coz that imaginary person is often someone I admires. Since it has been the longest time when I truly admire someone (can you believe that?! come on! do something about it guys!) so this conscience is like a second voice. It gives me security that I always have someone to talk to. I guess it came naturally to me when I was very young where my lack of friends and my high shy power brought about this second voice that it is impossible to shut it off. It just keeps talking and talking and talking.....I guess that's why I always dream whenever I sleep. confession over why I sometimes am in a some kind of dreamland..coz I am hearing out my thoughts.

7. Oh, and I also have an imaginary alter ego in my head that has been around for ages...and she is 29 years old..but when I first started her out like in secondary school..she was onlie 20. right she is supposed to be more than 29...but I didn't want to make her out as someone in the thirties. And she has the longest name around..haha....Jayna-Gwen Shellyn Francis Cunnah. Or Jayne Cunnah for short. Btw, she has long red hair and is 6 feet 2 inches tall. But nope..she's not a model.

Okay..when I looked at my friends' list of the 7 items things...and see how much more I have to go..I gulped. So many leh! No wonder I put this off for so long..bwahhaha...Anyway, shall be super quick about it.

7 things I plan to do before I die

1. Visit disneyland. Lame lah but....

2. Own a Mazda Car Series 3 or something. Or a hyundai..err...SUV? Gawd..*kicks herself* I onlie want Csi:Miami's Hummer!!!!!!!!!

3. Clean my room..Yeah I know lame again..but it's a life long commitment leh..cannot play play

4. Be religious. For once.

5. Staying Single..haha...

6. Be slim. Slimmer than what I am currently at.. *pukes* if!

7. Have a cat as a pet! I must!

7 Things I can do

1. Be a super nice person.

2. Saying 'thank you!' whenever someone offers me a compliment or something like I'm pretty or what..never be so humble!

3. Carry multiple bags of groceries on my arms. Whenever instructed by The Boss to get stuffs from Cold Storage, I never failed to carry multiple bags. If I don't, it's because I forgot some things.

4. Can type superfast with my fingers merely grazing over the keyboard! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!! Without looking at the keyboard! Wheeeeeeeee!!!! And I have mastered the number sequence on the keypad..handy when keying in papers of data entries of birt cert's like tatatatata...ta....enter!.....bwahahaha...!

5. Play the Sims 2 for 6 hours the middle of the nite. Not really proud of it lah..few days later, I had this huge headache!

6. Taking things passed down from people to me....hey if it still works or still have a lot...why not?!

7. Not panicking easily. My mind will quickly go into this auto solution mode where instead of panicking, I think of the most possible solutions..but afterwhile if still cannot, THEN i panic! haha..

7 Things I cannot do

1. Scold other people besides my brother.'s weird lah but it's like unethical to me.

2. Drive. It's stupid lah coming from someone of a driving age. But the thought of going through lesson after lesson under e scrutiny of a driving enough for me 'steer' away from this route. Still! I have a long way to go.

3. I don like e chilli paste that people like to dip in or eat with rice for that extra kick of spice. I don't even like the smell. And I can't stand food that has a lot of grinded or grounded chilli covering them.

4. Drink or smoke. I'm unhealthy enough to begin with..haha

5. Being intellectual. I will only be seen as someone who tries too hard at it although no one has ever said that.

6. Wearing contact lens. Ha, instead of getting a new pair of glasses, I got a six months supply of lens. STUPIDEST DECISION of all! And to think I HATE wearing lenses coz it makes my face look fatter..although it is lah..but still!

7. Eat fish. Fish and I have this hate-hate relationship ever since finding out that fishy smell is the most nauseating smell in the market. I mean meat still smell..err..dead lah but I hate fish! Fish and chips is ok with me..but still quite tortorous to me and if I see even a single sliver of the grey skin in a breaded fish..i'm done!

7 Things I say the most

1. stupid cow!

2. what the hell..

3. ah? or.. then how ah?

4. alah..........

5. yay!

6. bye ma!

7. Stupid! or...Bodoh lah! or..Bodoh nye! (Wah! So Stupid!)

7 Celeb Crushes

1. Ryan Seacrest. I don't have this great or the slightest admiration for him but what can I say..he IS married to my alter ego.

2. Tobey Maguire...yet another has-been. Ever since Spiderman. But in Spiderman 2...How can the whole story line be revolving around him and and and....Mary Jane! So ridiculous..I didnt even watch it. The trailer was nauseating enuf..

3. Keanu Reeves. Yeah he cant act but he makes the 'ability of not able to act but what the hell..I'll still act cool' so!

4. Tim Speedle aka Rory Cochraine of Csi:Miami. Well..his character is dead now...and he's gonna be in a movie with Keanu Reeves. But still...I MISS YOU!

5. Got this one Indonesian actor..handsome but bland acting....anyway still handsome lah keke. Dammit! Cant remember his bloody name..Was it Gary? No..that's spongebob's pet!

6. I will always remember that I had this huge huge crush on Robbie Williams..back then with his squeaky clean image. It was during my early secondary days and I had this foto of him always in my wallet. He had no tattoos then but later on had a tatoo of a blue dolphin on his hip. Who would have known that the single blue dolphin tatoo would catapult into a body of art....with additions of huge angry tatoos. Aaahh....those were the sweet old days...

7. Okay I swear I can put his name in this list from number 1 to number 7 but nope! Rahayu must practise self control. If you know me you would have known that I am a David Caruso fan. I even got a mini shrine of him...and even contemplated on putting tea candles at that shrine on my office table but no....don wan my last century mindset colleagues of mine to think that I am worshipping him..haha...

K..I like him onlie coz of his character on Csi:Miami played with such sensitivity.....such charisma.....but anyway, if onlie he knows of the existence of Botox Injections. Still...I'll gloat under all of those crow's feet and frown lines for all you want..anything for you David!!

There's another list lah...about 7 other people who wanna do the list like me. But lazylah..keke...So there! Get to know about me in such little facts...


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