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One Step at A Time

Hello there It has been a while, right? I used to treat this blog as a place for me to rant, talk about nonsensical things and interests that, when I think back about it, were pretty cringeworthy. But it was part of the process of me growing up and navigating through my life which is full of ups and downs, just like the tidal waves. I still need a form of outlet to write out my thoughts and I have been journaling for the last few years. At first, I was still writing nonsense, or simply writing about how my day went, but I try to make it a more conscious journalling where I will write about things that I can take lessons from or to reflect on. So how has life been for me? Well, I no longer am running an online shop where I used to do customised cards and then just specializing in box cards. I do want to have an online business, preferably one I don't have to travel to meet people.  If you read my last post about being zen, I think I have 'tripled' the amount of zen inside of
Recent posts

My Chaotic & Zen 2021 (Part One)

How's everything? I stopped writing for some time as I don't feel the need to write because I always do not know what direction I am taking this blog post. However it has always been at the back of mind to write something, at least once a week. Ever since I started journaling regularly, I didn't quite feel the need to update this blog. But moving forward, I will try to make more effort because I also hope to motivate someone out there, even if it's just one person.  I would say this year has been quite a ride for all of us. I am not excluded as well, and the pandemic has taken a toll on many of us with thousands of cases daily. Despite being convinced repeatedly that this is the new normal, to be honest, we do miss our old lifestyle. But we also discover new things and interests in the midst of chaos, and our perspectives on life changed as well. We have never treasured friendships and relationships more than ever before, and amidst the uncertainties, we continue to ral

Winning at the Game of Life

Hello, miss me? I had been a little 'off' recently and wanted to lay down low a bit but it can get rather lonely and if I carry on, I can get carried away and that's not good. So I shall begin to crawl out a little by posting here after a long time. Sometimes we just think too much over things and people that our minds get a little messed up as our self esteem gets lower and lower. I may not be the one who can insert herself into a group conversation or initiate a talk or discussion and then I feel all left out because I can interact that well.  But over time, I learn to respond. I don't have to give the most complicated answers or ask the most thought provoking questions. I just need to respond and it can actually make someone's day if you can give them the listening ear and learn to share info with you. I used to think that I need to be of their same level or share the same thoughts and opinions, and have similar roles in life in order to relate. That's it. My

One of a Kind Gem

I'm back writing as I am also trying to get into a routine so that I can do more in life while spending time on my interests as well. Recently, I have been lacking in focus and it is a problem that will appear every now and then as my own self worth drop down pretty low when I subconsciously compare myself to others. I would rather be inspired by people, rather than being pulled down and thinking how my life isn't like them. To be honest, it's not that I want their kind of life like I don't want to be a mum and it is an opinion that can't really be swayed even though I think that being a mum is a great gift. It's just that I sometimes feel when my friends talked about their marriage life and children, I am of opinion that my life isn't worth sharing because it's unlike them, pretty dull and predictable. I also envy those busy career woman and female entrepreneurs, especially those juggling their family affairs as well, as if they're superwomen whom I

On our Own Terms

I have been so bad at updating the blog. Okay I am trying to update as regularly as I can, lol. Anyway, here is an embarrassing picture of me on the swing from many years ago.  Nothing much going on and sometimes I feel a tad embarrassed that I don't quite see myself as 'busy' as other people, especially among my friends. When we want to plan on a date for meet up, it can be quite a headache because it will coincide with some personal or work events. Or that when we meet, they have life updates to share while for me, eh...there's not much going on.  Actually, it's not as if life took a stagnant turn for me but I don't know. How do you actually define being busy? There are people who wear different hats in life, have a business to run and a family to raise. And those married but with no children and yet keep themselves busy running different freelance businesses like selling baked goods, dabble in realty and a weekend bridal make up artist. Then women who were di

Welcoming March 2021! Hopefully Ending a Dreary February

Little pleasures in life like this cuppa So this week, we entered March and how apt for the 1st of March to start on a Monday which is also the start of a new week. Alas, in February, there were quite a number of death news received. And many of them were young still with a bright future ahead of them, an established career, a family man or death does not discriminate who should go first. We often got conditioned to think that we would die when we become older but death can happen to anyone and at anytime. I know this was such a grim intro to this blogpost but it also served as a reminder to all of us, especially people like me who had been slacking big time or having self esteem issues, by telling myself that my worth is lesser than other people around me. So I have been 'sleeping' on life recently and then indulging in long hours of reading web comics in order to forget reality awhile, not because it was hard but rather, I was just putting things off. Things that wo

My Mental Fatigue

Hi there This morning, I was feeling super sleepy. I have been waking up at odd hours after sleeping about 10 to 11 plus at night. Then I would just do things that I had planned to do and then catch up with netflix or youtube for like half an hour. I would have continued sleeping but I just feel that I need to do some 'catching up' also and hence why I woke up in the middle of the night. Anyway, so in order to keep myself awake in the morning, I have been reading this Japanese web comic, which recently got converted into an upcoming anime movie. I think it's a sweet comic, about a young Novelist who went back to his hometown many years later after a falling out with his father. This time, he didn't come back alone. Surprisingly, his family had also adopted a carefree young orphan boy to nurse their longing for him. His father, through his interactions with the orphan boy, began to mend his relationship with his son and was more accepting of his alternate lifestyle thoug